April 26, 2024

India will develop a blockchain system for voting in elections

The Election Commission of India (CEC) is collaborating with the Indian Institute of Technology to developa blockchain system that allows citizens to vote outside their hometowns.

Chief Commissioner, Election Commission of IndiaSunil Arora said at the Times Now summit that the department is closer to solving one of the country's major voting problems, reports Times of India.

Many citizens do not vote becauseelection day are in other cities. According to reports, about 900 million people could vote in the 2019 elections, but a third of them were not at the place of registration.

“CEC collaborates with Indian Technologyan institution to create a blockchain system that will allow voters registered in any part of the country to use the application even after they move to other cities, ”Arora said.

According to the publication, more than 450 million peoplein India they moved from their hometowns because of work, for the purpose of obtaining education or for family reasons. Arora added that the blockchain system will be launched during his tenure.

Let us remember that at the beginning of the yearSingapore tested a blockchain voting system, and in October, students from India developed a blockchain voting platform. In addition, last year the voting app Voatz was used by US authorities during elections in Utah, West Virginia, Denver and Oregon.
