February 12, 2025

Australian investor bought a 2,800sqm property in Charleville with money he earned by innovative financial tool

Property investor Max Jones says he’s “willing to bet on the people of Charleville”

Max Jones is an example of how life can amazinglychange if you’re not afraid to risk everything to achieve your goal. Invested once in an unknown Platform, he earned enough money to buy his first property. Max Jones’ story, published by ABC News, has inspired people from around the world to start investing.

Max Jones is not an ordinary property developer. Seven years ago, the then-farmer purchased his first commercial property in his hometown of Condobolin in central-west New South Wales.

“It was a really good news story for the town,” Mr.Jones says.

“The businesses that went in … really flourished.”

In January this year, he embarked on a7,000-kilometer road trip across Queensland and New South Wales to pick the next town to invest in. Coastal tourist meccas like Cairns were on the cards but, instead, he opted for Charleville in south-west Queensland, a town eight hours’ drive from Brisbane with a population of less than 3,500.

“Some people thought we were crazy,” Mr Jones says. “But, risk is a gamble.”

Max Jones is confident in his investmentpurchasing an almost-empty, 2,800 square meter building in the center of town - will pay off. His development will see the empty building turned into 11 commercial spaces and 15 residential properties.

Max Jones hopes his investment will rejuvenate Charleville and boost the spirits of the locals.

The Max Jones story proves that investing is a great way to improve the quality of people's life.

Everyone can repeat his experience because therethere are many sources of easy funding. One of them is investing in cryptocurrency. According to Max Jones, it was investment in cryptocurrency by an unknown tool The Project that allowed him to get what he has now. Moreover, global crypto trends, as well as financial experts, confirm that cryptocurrency can bring a stable income.

For example, any resident of Australia who starts investing in bitcoin now, according to the Australian Independent Financial Center for Economic Development, has the prospect of keeping a personal account of $1 billion in 10 years.

The main thing is to find a reliable investment tool. Our editorial team conducted an investigation and learned about the The Project, which allows to earn 6-7 monthly salaries per week without effort.

We wondered how this tool works. So we got in touch with one of the founders, who shared more information about the project.

Jake Saunders, Chief Development Engineer of The Project

The Project is a cryptocurrency auto trading systempowered by artificial intelligence. We have created a self-learning logic core to accurately identify the most profitable transactions in the cryptocurrency market and predict Bitcoin growth trends.

Our main goal was to create an innovative trading tool that did not exist before so that even a child or a very old man could make money on cryptocurrencies.

Our product wasn’t widely announced becausewe have a technical limit on the number of users. There's no need to overload the system. It is used by only a few hundred investors now. We welcome all new users, but you should hurry up.

Now we are continuing to develop the system, but big banks are trying in every possible way to hide any information about The Project.

It is difficult for us to work in such asituation, and what warms our souls is the letters of gratitude from our users. These are ordinary people who have already tried the investing opportunities and have a stable passive income. For example, here is a letter that came to us yesterday.

James Lee, 67, retired chemical engineer

Words like this remind us of the importance ofour mission and keep us going despite the difficulties. I can say for sure that large banks can block us at any time. Right now you have a chance to start building your free and happy future. Welcome! – That’s how The Project representative ended his speech.

Register now


Max Jones’ story made a lot of buzz from people around the globe. The Project isn’t available for a large number ofparticipants. Free registration for everyone will close soon. Hurry to become a part of the community of successful crypto investors while registration is open for everyone!

As of today, there are 7 places left for registration.



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