May 10, 2024

Personal data of crypto traders leaked to the darknet

Personal data of crypto traders leaked to the darknet

CryptoTrader.Tax – platform for filing tax returns on digital assets – was hacked by an unknown hacker.

data from over 1000 crypto traders. The hacker managed to gain access to the account of an employee of the platform's support center and uncover information about 1,082 customers, including their names, email addresses, payment system profiles, and financial information about cryptocurrency transactions.

Now the hacker is trying to sell this information on the darknet forum.

CryptoTrader.Tax is operated by Coin Ledger Inc.and offers automatic tax reporting services for digital currency, accumulating data from 36 crypto exchanges. The service gained popularity after the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stepped up its crackdown on potential cryptocurrency tax evaders.

Platform co-founder David Kemmerer confirmedhack and noted that the data was stolen on April 7, but the platform did not officially advertise this.  After gaining access to the customer service account, the attacker uploaded a file with 13,000 lines of information. 

The stolen files also include marketing messages, referral numbers, and commission income.

Kemmerer also stressed that duringInvestigations by the platform security team found that none of the platform client account passwords had been compromised. He also said that all affected customers were informed of the breach and asked to take steps to improve account security and change passwords.

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