April 26, 2024

50% for half a year, blindly, on the insurance of the US economy.

The beginning of the topic and here is the whole base. Big and easy earnings based on probability theory
The essence of the strategies is hereonly in the first post

A cook earns a lot and blindly in a small insurance business at 2.5% per week

here at the end there are two posts for those who, after 100 trading transactions, only break even. smart-lab.ru/blog/719482.php


FIRST STRATEGY: For those who want to have an average of 400-500% over 10 years.

We start from 05/27/21. At a share price of $ 42054.

Sell ​​blindly monthly spreads with a difference of 500dollars. With a share price of $ 41,544, we finally need $ 12,000, with a 10% risk of losing them. But keeping 12,000 in your account is wrong, because 10,800 of them will be needed only 50% of the time. Therefore, it is easier to spend these 11,400 on another business or put on a deposit. For now, 600 is enough.

Close the position at the end of the expiration or when the stock rises by $ 5 and open a new monthly spread.


Start of a new comment:

Last week, six months later, for the first timeBitcoin was upset when it fell sharply and took away a significant part of the profit, and now the spike has fallen below the purchased option in our spread. But this was expected, because we know that in 10% of cases we lose a lot, but not so much that a small profit in 90% of cases does not cover the minus. Now let's start the recount.

End of new comment.

When we opened positions, the price was 470.21.It is necessary to close the old position and open a new one. Mathematics and the laws of probability are still with us and work for us. This is often the case in the insurance business. And I am showing this the simplest strategy for beginners, which implies being in the market forever, without looking for good entries. We follow the rule and buy back at 11.17 (blue in the first picture) what was sold at 5.88. We are talking about a 470 put. That gives minus $ 5.29. Then, we sell at 6.03 what we bought at 4.33. We are talking about put 465 (red in the first picture). This gives a plus of $ 1.7. Add 1.7 = 3.59 * 100 = minus $ 359 to 5.29. The previous result was $ 654. This means that the total profit is $ 295. This is about 50% in six months. It's still good.


at the junction price at 470.21.

Expiration 6.12.21.

Bought 465 puts at 4.33 and sold 470 puts at 5.88.

Today is 12/7/21. Expiration 6.12.21.

We look at the first picture.

Bought put 470 at 11.17 and sold put 465 at 6.03.

We choose the date 6.12.21. Then, we follow the rule and first buy the more distant green put and then sell the near red put, as it is written in the “new position”. This is the second picture.

NEW POSITION: at the junction at 459.12.

Expiration 5.1.22.

Bought put 454 at 9.27 and sold put 459 at 10.75.

Result: $ 295 profit.

A deposit of $ 600 for 1 attempt (out of 30 attempts, about 18,000 are needed).



FIRST STRATEGY: For those who want to have an average of 400-500% over 10 years.

We start from 05/27/21. At a share price of $ 42054.

Sell ​​blindly monthly spreads with a difference of 500dollars. With a share price of $ 41,544, we finally need $ 12,000, with a 10% risk of losing them. But keeping 12,000 in your account is wrong, because 10,800 of them will be needed only 50% of the time. Therefore, it is easier to spend these 11,400 on another business or put on a deposit. For now, 600 is enough.

Close the position at the end of the expiration or when the stock rises by $ 5 and open a new monthly spread.


Start of a new comment:

Last week, six months later, for the first timeBitcoin was upset when it fell sharply and took away a significant part of the profit, and now the spike has fallen below the purchased option in our spread. But this was expected, because we know that in 10% of cases we lose a lot, but not so much that a small profit in 90% of cases does not cover the minus. Now let's start the recount.

End of new comment.

When we opened positions, the price was 470.21.It is necessary to close the old position and open a new one. Mathematics and the laws of probability are still with us and work for us. This is often the case in the insurance business. And I am showing this the simplest strategy for beginners, which implies being in the market forever, without looking for good entries. We follow the rule and buy back at 11.17 (blue in the first picture) what was sold at 5.88. We are talking about a 470 put. That gives minus $ 5.29. Then, we sell at 6.03 what we bought at 4.33. We are talking about put 465 (red in the first picture). This gives a plus of $ 1.7. Add 1.7 = 3.59 * 100 = minus $ 359 to 5.29. The previous result was $ 654. This means that the total profit is $ 295. This is about 50% in six months. It's still good.


at the junction price at 470.21.

Expiration 6.12.21.

Bought 465 puts at 4.33 and sold 470 puts at 5.88.

Today is 12/7/21. Expiration 6.12.21.

We look at the first picture.

Bought put 470 at 11.17 and sold put 465 at 6.03.

We choose the date 6.12.21. Then, we follow the rule and first buy the more distant green put and then sell the near red put, as it is written in the “new position”. This is the second picture.

NEW POSITION: at the junction at 459.12.

Expiration 5.1.22.

Bought put 454 at 9.27 and sold put 459 at 10.75.

Result: $ 295 profit.

A deposit of $ 600 for 1 attempt (out of 30 attempts, about 18,000 are needed).

SECOND STRATEGY: On Binance. Here we will also trade monthly insurances.

I recommend to those who do not have at least 300dollars to trade insurance for Sberbank on the Moscow Exchange. And it makes no sense for non-residents of Russia to go to the Moscow exchange if they have less than $ 3,000. And if there is $ 3,000, then it is better to trade options on the RTS futures.

It is very easy to open and replenish an account without leaving your home.

Trading has been conducted since 06/07/21, I brought in $ 16, but $ 4 of them is a deposit. Only $ 12 works per try. We trade 0.0003 lots.

Start of a new comment:

How long have I been waiting for this.For almost half a year I was waiting for the first full loss. Imagine how great a strategy is if statistics promise that in 90% of cases you will be in the black and so it happens. I am often asked what would happen if such a spread was made in a falling market? You would receive only 30% of the profit in six months. Let me remind you that now it was almost 90%. Until this loss, which ate up a decent portion of our profits.

Dropped to 57918.97 for bitcoin

When we opened positions, the price was 65100.It is necessary to close the old position and open a new one. Mathematics and the laws of probability are still with us and work for us. This is often the case in the insurance business. And I am showing this the simplest strategy for beginners, which implies being in the market forever, without looking for good entries. We follow the rule and buy back at 7027 (yellow in the first picture) what was sold at 6596. We are talking about put 65000. This gives minus $ 431. Then, we sell at 1800 what we bought at 4521. We are talking about the put 60000 (blue in the first picture). This gives a minus of $ 2721. To 2721 we add 431 = 3152: 1000 * 3 = minus $ 9.46. The previous result was $ 15.97. This means that the total profit is $ 6.51. This is about 32% in six months. It's still good.

End of new comment.


Expiration 11/26/21. Bitcoin price 65100.

Bought put 60,000 at 4521 and sold put 65000 at 6596.

Today is 11/25/21. Expiration 11/26/21.

We look at the first picture.

Bought put 65000 at 7027 and sold put 60000 at 1800.


Expiration 31.12.21. Bitcoin price 57918.86.

We bought a put 52000 at 3340 (yellow in the second picture) and sold a put 56000 (blue in the second picture) at 4644.

The result is: $ 6.51.

Deposit $ 18.

But the whole amount is $ 120 for 10 attempts.

THIRD STRATEGY: from 24.09.21

Deposit 2900 at the Moscow Exchange.

Profit 58 dollars

Now, along the way, I am leading the simplest and most profitablea newbie strategy called dynamic deltahedge. We bought 1 call at 1.175 at 127. After 5 days it costs 101. But we opened the opposite position on Forex and there profit was $ 18 more than the loss on the option. Deposit 3600 dollars. Now we sit and equalize the delta of two positions. And it makes no difference to us whether the price falls or rises. We are just collecting profits. This is a profitable active option lock. There will be a white turn to yellow 1.118 or a blue turn to red 1.255 in 100 days. We can easily make money on this. With feet, let the professionals spoil their nerves.

FOURTH STRATEGY - from 21.11.21.

Averaging over Bitcoin with a doubling of the next lot a.

The essence of the strategy - Buy now bitcoin at 58397.57. Lot 0.01. It will cost you about $ 584

We set the lot limit to 0.02 at 55000 with a take at 60,000. It will cost about $ 1100. Then 0.04 lots at 50,000 with a take at 55,000. This will cost $ 2,000. Then, 0.08 lots at 45000 with a take at 50,000. This is 3600 dollars. The last fifth lot is 0.16 at 40,000 with a take of 5000. It will cost $ 6400.50% for half a year, blindly, on the insurance of the US economy.

50% for half a year, blindly, on the insurance of the US economy.

Given the volatility of Bitcoin, you can make good money. I did this for 10 years on the Sberbank futures. The results are good.

The whole strategy is $ 13,700.
