Travel agency Webjet has launched the Rezchain blockchain platform for booking hotels and providinghotel room information users.
Rezchain was developed with the participation of the companyMicrosoft, and the solution is based on the Azure cloud platform. Clients, travel agents and hotel managers will be able to check data on booking rooms around the world in real time.
If any inconsistencies are foundthe system notifies the user about this. According to the travel agency, various discrepancies in information arise in 5% of booking cases. As a result, reconciling the data and reconciling them leads to a large time cost.
“Often problems when booking happen becauselanguage barrier. In case of disputes due to discrepancies in price, type of rooms, duration of reservation and payment methods, you often have to cancel debts. This is very costly for hotels, ”said Webjet Managing Director John Guscic.
He believes that Rezchain can eliminatethe appearance of such problems when booking. All information will be stored in a distributed registry and updated in real time. In addition, the platform provides an “early warning system” via email.
Blockchain is popular amongtourism service providers. In August, Travelport announced that it was using IBM's Hyperledger Fabric blockchain to guarantee commission payments to travel agencies. Let's also remember that Webjet began accepting Bitcoin as payment back in 2015.