In Russia, Synergy University became the first educational organization to launch a project inblockchain platform.
University of Synergy and Bitfury set up registryinformation about documents about education and (or) qualifications, documents about training using blockchain technology, i.e. information will not be stored on the University’s servers, and not on the blockchain platform. Synergy University has already entered information into this register on all documents on education and (or) qualifications that have been issued since 2000.
Today the University is testing the final versionregistry for posting it on the University website for all interested parties. Using this system for the University allowed to become completely transparent and open in the field of issuing education documents.
“We want to fully introduce blockchain technologythe entire educational structure of Synergy University within the framework of the document storage and control system. The advantage of this technology is the absence of any practical possibility of manipulating the data recorded in the system due to the fact that information can only be added to the database, but not overwritten. At the same time, the truth of the document is easily traced, since everyone can see who recorded it on the blockchain,” – said Vadim Lobov, executive director of Synergy University.
The first to officially useThe blockchain for storing their diplomas and certificates has become the University of Nicosia. Then the relay was supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Open University (Great Britain).
Now the University faces the challenge ofintroducing blockchain into the full process of educational activity: from the moment a student is enrolled to the moment of its release. During the 2018-2019 academic year, a university with Bitfury will transfer to the blockchain the entire automated base of the educational process: a student’s card with his personal information, grades received by the student during his studies, student attendance, all awards and comments on the student.