April 26, 2024

Tezos Southeast Asia and Tribe Launch Tezos Blockchain Course

The non-profit division of Tezos - Tezos Southeast Asia (TSA) - announced a partnership with the Tribe platform and a jointlaunching a Tezos blockchain tutorial for developers.

According to TSA Tezos Promotionin Southeast Asia, collaboration with the Tribe platform will help attract more developers to create Tezos blockchain solutions. The launch of the curriculum is scheduled for the first quarter of next year.

Given that the Singapore government supports the Tribe platform, the TSA hopes that the course will find a wide response among experts.

“Our experienced mentors will share their ownknowledge of the Tezos blockchain, so that in the future, students can put the information they have received into practice and share it with their employees, ”said TSA President Caleb Kow.

Asian region is actively developing industryblockchain. In October, authorities in the Chinese city of Guangzhou set up a fund of 1 billion yuan to fund projects working with the latest technology. In addition, in Malaysia, the E-Skrol system based on the NEM blockchain appeared, in which you can verify the authenticity of educational documents.
