May 2, 2024

Student receives $20,000 bitcoin donation

The latest Bitcoin news in the style of “Why didn’t I think of this myself?”: one lucky student fanreceived 20 thousand dollars in donations just by waving a sign withwith his Bitcoin wallet address in front of the cameras at a college league game.

This clever fan drew a huge logoBitcoin and QR code of your Bitcoin address. He even used Vanitygen's address generator to add 'HiMom' to his address. QR code — it's like a retail barcode that, once read, anyone can send a Bitcoin transfer to that address. The square black and white image translates into 34 characters, which form the Bitcoin address.

Bitcoin users never miss outthe ability to scan a QR code. Having seen the code on TV, they read it directly from the screen and immediately began sending donations. And when someone posted a screenshot on Reddit, donations poured in, with compassionate users sharing the image and even posting the address bar itself for those who don't have a smartphone handy. At the time of writing, 103 donations were received at this address, totaling 22 BTC, which amounted to more than 20 thousand dollars. The amounts of a couple of donations were huge and amounted to 4-5 thousand dollars each.

A user under the nickname bitcoinpitcher2, whoturned out to be that very needy student, he was dumbfounded: “I didn’t expect this to happen.” Although he has demonstrated a good knowledge of Bitcoin technology, he writes that he is “still learning how to use Bitcoin” and, like any other suddenly rich Bitcoiner, asks for advice on how to secure his wallet. Reddit users soon flooded him with helpful tips.


After the amount reached 2 BTC, bitcoinpitcher2 promised to donate subsequent funds to the Florida homeless shelter Sean's Outpost and other charitable causes. He's writing:

I'm not a Bitcoin millionaire at all. I read about this topic a couple of years ago, but did nothing until the hype in the press forced me to take a closer look. I first bought $ 100 worth of bitcoins to see what everyone was talking about. I saw bitcoin infrastructure grow rapidly and considered my poster as a joke without expecting it to work.

He admitted that perhaps the numberdonations increased after he pledged to donate the rest of the money to charity, adding later: “I think the big amount came because I said so. Now the money will go to a good cause. "

Early bitcoin miners and businesses acceptingdigital currencies were apparently the main benefactors. Seeing this success as a student beggar, many people wonder if the extra $ 20,000 could be useful to them too, especially college students. Now you can expect a flood of QR codes in public places as others start repeating this trick after the lucky pioneer.

Like Alex Tew's Million Dollar Homepage, this onean idea may spawn imitators, but will only be truly effective at first. Bitcoin and Reddit users are known for their generosity in distributing digital currency, but the public still doesn’t have enough money for all the beggars.

However, this is another free adwarepromotion for the Bitcoin system. When such cases become widespread, other people take note of how quickly and easily a huge amount of money from thousands of donors comes to a Bitcoin account, without any commissions, overheads and bank charges.

What can I say? If you are charitable, you can simply scan this picture with your smartphone and donate a couple of cents&#8230;

: cryptochan