July 27, 2024

Moscow will host the international forum TerraCrypto

On December 7, Moscow will host the fifth international forum - TerraCrypto, dedicated to the development of the mining market andproblems that need to be solved togethereffort. Additionally, the community will summarize the results of 2019 and discuss the following questions: where is the industry going, what will happen after the halving and how to work effectively in the cryptocurrency market. According to preliminary estimates, at least 430 participants will gather at the forum. The event partners areViaBTC,SUEX,AmirCapital,ENEGIX,whatsminer,Leominig,BITMAIN andBinance  


To speak at TerraCrypto, they will fly to MoscowRyan Xu (ViaBTC Marketing Director), Fedor Egorov (Technical Director of Baikal Data Center LLC), Alexander Kalmykov (Head of Blockchain Technology Center, ITSK LLC, PJSC Gazpromneft), Alexey Trashcheev (Director of Synthesis Group of Companies) and other active market participants working with blockchain technology.

Key issues of the forum:What will happen to mining after halving? Will it be possible to earn home miners? Which coins bring miners more profit?

Additionally, this time, TerraCrypto participants will discuss issues related to trading, highlighting the most profitable strategies.

There will also be a separate panel discussion with the participation of representatives of the largest exchanges, not only related to cryptocurrency, but also the traditional financial market.

It is worth noting that the forum format is perfect for networking, sharing experience and discussing successful transactions.

Location:Art Moscow Voykovskaya Hotel (Kosmonavta Volkova Street, 6A)

It is important that the forum is organized by SixTouches Team (6TT), which has 19 implemented business events, forums and conferences in Russia and the CIS countries.

Forum website:https://terracrypto.icu/kazakhstan

Facebook: @sixtouches

Instagram: @terra_crypto

Twitter: @ terracrypto3


Media Contact:

Natalya Shustova | PR specialist

Telegram: @shustovanatalya

Email:[email protected]


Partner contact person:

Nikita Vassev | co-founder of SixTouches Team

Telegram: @NVassev

Email:[email protected]


Speaker contact:

Ilya Ogurtsov | co-founder of SixTouches Team

Telegram: @O_ILYA

Email:[email protected]

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