On November 14, 2019, the TerraCrypto forum dedicated to mining and trading will be held in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan).cryptocurrency industry. The main focus of the event is aimed at cross-borderness, openness and lively discussions. A business program is foreseen, where 30 well-known speakers and 700 guests from 12 countries are expected, and an exhibition area where more than 40 exhibitors from manufacturers of equipment and software for cryptocurrency mining will demonstrate.
</p>To speak at TerraCrypto in Nur SultanStefan Rust (Bitcoin.com), Thomas Heller (F2Pool), Dong Yan (Matrixport), Gapparov Bekhzod (Okschain), Alexander Kalmykov (Gazpromneft), Yulia Fetisova (BITMAIN), Gleb Kostarev (Binance), Evgeny Galiakhmetov (Altergate ^ ) and other active participants in the blockchain industry.
Thus, representatives of key manufacturers of mining equipment will be present at the event:BITMAIN, INNOSILICON, Whatsminer, AvalonMinerand all the largest mining pools:F2Pool, VIABTC, BTC.com.
Hosted by Terra Crypto, held inThe prestigious Rixos President Astana hotel is SixTouches Team (6TT). It is worth noting that since 2018, SixTouches Team has already implemented 14 different business events, forums and conferences in Russia and the CIS countries.
The key issues of the forum will be industrial and home mining, return on investment, as well as the exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat money and its legal aspects in different countries of the world.
The forum will also discuss the size of the initialmining costs, where to buy white equipment and how to check it when buying, how cost-effective it is to work with used devices, how to choose a hosting for your equipment and how to pay taxes on extracted crypto assets.
Themes will be interesting for traders.income reinvestment, trading strategies, formation and balancing of an asset portfolio, issues of trust in exchanges and the most preferred trading platforms, as well as potential earning opportunities on ICO / TSO / IEO.
In the evening, a dinner will be held with speakers for guests who have bought a VIP ticket, where they will discuss various industry insiders and give valuable advice for further growth of income from financial investments.
For readers of Bitnews, a discount on the promotional code is provided: lovemining
Forum site:http://terracrypto.icu
Facebook: @sixtouches
Instagram: @terra_crypto
Media contact:
Elena Rakipova | PR specialist
Phone: +7 912 271 00 59
Telegram: @Elena_Rakipova
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person for working with partners:
Nikita Vassyov | co-founder of SixTouches Team
Telegram: @NVassev
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person for working with speakers:
Ilya Ogurtsov | co-founder of SixTouches Team
Telegram: @O_ILYA E-mail: [email protected]
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