May 10, 2024

Hackers stole $ 80 million from Liquid crypto exchange

An unknown person hacked the hot wallets of the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid. Hacker brought digital assets tothe amount of more than $ 80 million.

Liquid is now transferring cryptocurrencies to cold storage. The exchange team wrote:

“We are currently studying the situation and will provide regular updates. In the meantime, deposits and withdrawals will be suspended. "

Liquid did not disclose the volumes of withdrawnattacker assets, but published the associated addresses. According to on-chain data, they received 107.3 BTC, almost 11 million XRP, about 9 million TRX. The Ethereum wallet received 14,957 ETH and ERC-20 tokens for a total of $ 24.8 million.

The total value of funds transferred to addresses exceeded 80 million. The Liquid team added:

"We are currently tracking asset movements and working with other exchanges to freeze and recover funds."
