April 26, 2024

Ethereum developers delay delay bomb after Istanbul hard fork

The Ethereum development team has agreed to carry out an urgent hard fork shortly after the Istanbul update, reportsTrustNodes.

Not only developers participated in the discussionsecond in terms of cryptocurrency capitalization, but also miners, as well as other market participants. All of them expressed unanimity in the matter regarding the postponement of the so-called complexity bomb. The latter is a programmed Proof-of-Work mining restriction to encourage Ethereum ecosystem members to switch to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm.

It was discussed as a possibility of complete removalthis mechanism, and its deferral. In particular, the developer Aleksey Akunov stated that “the ratio of risk and profitability from using the bomb mechanism of complexity is not yet impressive.”

Augur Project Marketing Specialist Eric Conner opposed the complete removal of the bomb complexity, as this could trigger a negative reaction in the community.

Touching on inflation, Tim Beiko from PegaSys startup said:

“I want to draw attention to the fact that this will be the first deferral of a bomb without changing emissions”

James Hancock, calling himself a hard fork coordinator, stated the following:

“I believe we should not touch the issue again. The hashrate is already decreasing and I’m not sure that security payments should be further reduced. ”

Ethereum developers delay delay bomb after Istanbul hard fork

The dynamics of the Ethereum hash. Data: etherscan

Parity Wei Tan said:

“For our startup, at least a bomb delay, even itsdeactivating or changing rewards is a simple json configuration change. Therefore, I think that it will not be difficult for us to cope with this task in a short time ”

According to the Hudson Jameson of the Ethereum Foundation, it would be nice to have a hard fork in mid-January.

“In this case, we will have enough time to update the nodes, regardless of their current state”- he added.

Hard fork Istanbul in the Ethereum network will happen on block 9,069,000 - tentatively on December 7th.

Delayed several times, Istanbul will be the last hard fork in the Ethereum 1.0 network, after which the road will open towards Serenity - the stage of ecosystem transition to Ethereum 2.0.

This massive update will be preceded byCasper activation and transition to the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, sharding, updating a virtual machine (EWASM), changing cross-contract logic and protocol economics.

Before this, the platform expects another major update called Berlin, the launch of which should take place before the end of June 2020.

We also recall that recently the daily Ethereum emission fell by 7% from 12,600 ETH to 11,800 ETH, and the block residence time increased to almost 15 seconds.