February 10, 2025

Crystal research: most cryptocurrency exchanges are registered in the EU, USA, Hong Kong and Singapore

According to the Crystal Bitfury analytical platform, the G20 countries and the European Union have the largest number of exchanges registeredcryptocurrencies.

Crystal published International ReportBTC transfers for 2013-2019 ”, which provides information on operations with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies around the world from January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2019.

The results show that the largest numberRegistered cryptocurrency exchanges are located in the UK, USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. In Argentina, India, Mexico, Russia and Indonesia, such sites are the least. According to the report, about 10% of all exchanges are not registered.

As for operations with BTC, then in 2013, 96%All bitcoins transferred between exchanges were sent by sites from the G20 and others group, while in 2018, the number of such transfers from this group dropped to 70%. The report further states:

“In 2018, the total volume of BTC directly transferred between exchanges amounted to almost $ 92.6 billion. Exchanges from the G20, Hong Kong, and Singapore have transferred a total of $ 65.1 billion. ”


In general, such statistics are not surprising: G20 countries and the European Union have most actively taken up the regulation of cryptocurrency companies and are gradually making the work of unregulated exchanges impossible in their jurisdictions. For example, the G20 countries recently supported the cryptocurrency industry regulation recommendations issued by the FATF.

In addition, EU countries are gradually introducingregulation for cryptocurrency companies in anticipation of the entry into force of the fifth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) next year. Recently, the Central Bank of the Netherlands announced that it will begin to regulate cryptocurrency companies in January 2020. In August, it became known that the Czech Republic would introduce tighter regulation of cryptocurrencies than the EU requires. In July, the French regulator announced the imminent publication of rules for cryptocurrency companies, and in the spring of Finland began to regulate cryptocurrency services operators.
