July 27, 2024

Coca-Cola and SAP are working on the development of a large-scale blockchain project

Coca-Cola and SAP are working on the development of a large-scale blockchain project

According to Business Insider, more than 70 Coca-Cola franchises can now use the blockchain solution developed bySAP Unlike public blockchains, this solution protects records from unauthorized access.

The advantage of blockchain technology isthat each supplier will be able to submit applications that will be viewed by everyone who uses access to the distributed registry. Coke One North America, a firm that brings together 12 suppliers with hundreds of thousands of orders, believes that the SAP blockchain solution can reduce the time it takes to coordinate and organize orders.

According to Andrey Semenov, manager of Coke OneNorth America, most business-to-business transactions are inefficient because they go through intermediaries and require additional processing time. Blockchain can not only improve this process, but also reduce its cost.

Supply Chain Solutions Includeorder tracking, registration and origin information. The blockchain can store all this data when publishing and broadcasting information. The SAP solution is not based on any well-known public protocol, but still maintains a public profile for a specific use case.

At the moment, the solution developed by Coca-Cola and SAP is in the testing stage. It is expected that soon all organizations will keep records of supplies in the form of transactions on the blockchain.