Over the past two weeks, the average hashrate of the Bitcoin network has been 85 EH/s.According to CoinDesk's calculations, the reason for the growthThe hash rate has been the commissioning of more than 500,000 ASIC miners.
Statistics on the BTC website.com shows that along with the growth of the hashrate of the first cryptocurrency network, the complexity of coin mining has also grown significantly. Now it has almost reached 12 trillion, and these are the maximum values for the entire existence of Bitcoin. The hash rate and mining complexity increased by about 60% compared with June 14, that is, in just three months.
Such a sharp jump in hashrate is associated withthe release of several new models of devices for mining bitcoin. The new ASIC miners introduced Bitmain, Canaan, InnoSilicon and MicroBT, while they give out an average of 55 Th / s, and cost from $ 1,500 to $ 2,500. In order to increase the network hashrate by 35 exheshes, it took about 500,000 devices.
It is also noted that the growth of the hashrate was facilitated by cheap electricity from hydropower plants in China, an excess of which is observed during the rainy season.
Recently it was reported that in the mining market there is a lack of supply of ASIC miners. All devices are quickly bought by mining companies.