April 28, 2024

Satoshi Nakamoto's net worth – How many BTC does the creator of Bitcoin have?

Satoshi Nakamoto's condition - how many BTC does the creator of bitcoin have?

Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto still owns huge reserves of Bitcoin that he neverdid not move, which indicates the caution and altruism of the developer.

Bitcoin's enigmatic creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, was also the first person to mine the cryptocurrency, with the reward for each block mined then being 50 BTC.

Presumably during the period from January to July 2009Satoshi mined a total of more than 1 million BTC in 2016, which probably makes him the most successful miner in Bitcoin history. Recent research has shown that Satoshi could have mined even more bitcoins, but he deliberately limited the mining by controlling the hashrate so that other miners would have a chance to mine blocks.

«Patoshi model»

While it is unknown exactly how many Bitcoins Satoshi mined himself, leading security and cryptocurrency expert Sergio Demian Lerner may have been able to give the most accurate estimate to date.

In his report, “Satoshi’s Well-Deserved WealthNakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, a visionary and a genius" (The Well Deserved Fortune of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin creator, Visionary and Genius), Lerner studied blocks mined from January 1, 2009 to January 25, 2010 (blocks 1 to 36288) , trying to determine which of them were mined by the same person. As a result, Lerner discovered that one mining rig had mined thousands of blocks during this time and earned approximately 1 million BTC in block rewards.

Lerner introduced the concept of "Patosha model" to describeblock patterns that appear to be mined by the same entity. Since the model starts with a primary block, he assumed that Patoshi is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Given the current value of Bitcoin (BTC), Satoshi Nakamoto’s fortune would have amounted to more than $ 10 billion, almost certainly turning Satoshi into the richest owner of bitcoins in terms of net BTC reserves.

Pristine stocks

Recent speculation that Satoshi,may have moved 50 BTC from the 2009 block was debunked when it became clear that these bitcoins were beyond those covered by the Patoshi model. These bitcoins appear to have been moved by another person who was associated with dozens of other blocks mined during Satoshi's active period.

Although Satoshi owns more than $10 billionin Bitcoin, there is no conclusive evidence that he moved the coins, demonstrating impressive self-control and true altruism. Of course, this assumes that Satoshi still has access to the private keys containing these funds.

In any case, it is likely that Satoshi eitherunable or unwilling to spend bitcoins, perhaps out of fear that doing so could lead to his identity being revealed. If this could be done, it would likely have dramatic consequences for Bitcoin.


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