April 26, 2024

The number of unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin mempool is growing

The number of unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin mempool is growing

The number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network has risen to levels in June 2019.

After almostThe number of unconfirmed transactions in the bitcoin mempool has exceeded 75,000.As a rule, such a confident filling of the pool leads to an increase in the price of the coin.This was the case in June 2019, and yesterday the price of BTC skyrocketed to $9500.Recall that earlier we analyzed what a mempool is and why transactions get stuckin this pool. 

The number of unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin mempool is growing

The size of the mempool in bytes also shows an increase in the number of transactions awaiting confirmation. It increased significantly, exceeding 76 MB.

The number of unconfirmed transactions in the Bitcoin mempool is growing

The commissions in the network also increased significantly. Yesterday, the commission rose to $ 1.25. However, these figures are still far from the March $ 1.5 and record summer commissions of $ 6.5 per transaction last year.