April 30, 2024

The number of unconfirmed transactions sharply increased in the bitcoin mempool

Against the background of increased trading volumes in recent days and the rapid rise in the price of Bitcoin, the mempool of the firstcryptocurrencies, which for a long time remained almost empty, was again filled with unconfirmed transactions.

To date, their number has exceeded 75 thousand, andThe last time such an indicator was observed in June 2019, when Bitcoin was also in a growth stage. The total size of unconfirmed transactions has exceeded 76 MB.

The number of unconfirmed transactions sharply increased in the bitcoin mempool

Blockchain.com data

There is also an increase in transaction costs - the average size of commissions rose on April 30 to $ 1.25.

This, however, is still less than similarmid-March, when the market was in decline and many investors were in a hurry to withdraw funds in cash. Then the average size of commissions exceeded $ 1.5.

The number of unconfirmed transactions sharply increased in the bitcoin mempool

Bitinfocharts.com data

And this is significantly less than in June / July last year, when this amount exceeded $ 6.5.

The number of unconfirmed transactions sharply increased in the bitcoin mempool

Bitinfocharts.com data

On the eve of the price of bitcoin rose above $ 9000 and at the moment approached $ 9500, but subsequently adjusted and is currently at a level slightly higher than $ 8800.