Swedish automaker Scania introduced a prototype unmanned unmanned mining dump truck.
Existing autonomous truck models are stillequipped with space for the driver, who can take control if necessary. However, the Swedes have developed the concept of a next-generation mining dump truck, designed exclusively for autonomous movement.
The Scania AXL is equipped with an external logistics system that tells it where to go and what to do. It runs on biofuel and uses cameras, radars, laser beams, GPSand LiDAR to navigate the world around. A special luminous strip is installed on the body around the entire car, with the help of which the truck signals that it has detected people or objects that should be avoided. This is done to reassure others that the dump truck sees them and does not plan to pour cargo on them.
It's just a concept for now, but the companystates that it uses only technology available today. While AXL is not prepared for chaotic outdoor environments, the control system will be able to operate in the more predictable conditions of mining and construction sites.
In addition to increasing the useful space of the body, the lack of a cab reduces the mass of the car itself, which increases its efficiency and allows you not to worry about the safety of drivers in the event of an accident.
Recall that a 110-ton electric dump truck operates in the Swiss quarry, which never needs to be charged, since it accumulates enough energy during the descent with the load.
text: Ilya Bauer, photo and video: Scania Group