December 10, 2024

New antenna uses salt water and plastic to control radio signals

New antenna uses salt water and plastic to control radio signals

Researchers have developed an antenna based onsalt water, which allows you to effectively control the formation of rays in the right directions and has unique advantages over metal.

Being able to focus the energy of a radio signal on a specific receiver means more range and efficiency of transmission, but if its location is unclear, it is moving, or if it needs to switch to another object, then things get more complicated.In this case, engineers often resort to the beamforming method, whichAllows you to adjust the phase of the waves and adjust the focus without turning the device.

A team of engineers from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics presented an advanced antenna based on plastic and seawater.The structure consists of a circular grounded plane and thirteen transparent acrylic tubes, which can be filled with seawater or completely emptied if necessary.

The central rod, through a copper disc at its base, sends a 360-degree signal, and the 12 cylinders surrounding it, when filled, performthe role of reflectors, suppressing transmission in their direction. The antenna operates in the range of 334 MHz to 488 MHz.

The advantage of this technology, over metal analogues, is that by adjusting the water level with the help of micropumps, it is possible to dynamically control the activation status.In addition, when switched off , the device cannot be detected by radar.

According to the developers, water-based antennas can simplify the construction of 5G networks, the Internet of Things and be used in marine equipment.

Previously, we also reported on the development of a new data stream converter for 6G networks, which will provide transmission speeds of more than 100 Gbit/s
