June 17, 2024

Roskomnadzor gave Google a day to remove prohibited content

Roskomnadzor gave Google a day to remove prohibited content

Representatives of the department said that they had already sent more than 26 thousand requests to Google to remove materials,containing calls for rallies or other illegal activities. Until now, the American company has ignored them.

If the corporation does not remove the materials prohibited in Russia within 24 hours, Roskomnadzor will begin to slow down Google and YouTube traffic.

If the search platform refuses to fulfill theserequirements, she will also be fined 800 thousand rubles. Repeated failure to comply with the law will result in a more severe fine – up to 10% of the company's annual profit.

Google, in turn, filed a counterclaim against Roskomnadzor. The company's lawyers said they would submit this case to international courts.

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