Engineers have developed a new coordination device for the computer, which allows you to enter discrete commands by various touches with your fingertips.
The device, called Tip-Tap, does not requirepower source because it uses radio frequency identification (RFID) tags to detect touch. This allows it to be placed directly on the skin as a temporary tattoo or embedded into a glove.
During the development of Tip-Tap, researchers from the University of Waterloo identified the most convenient areas onindex finger to which a person cantouch with your thumb. They also tested various design options for input points: smooth, convex, magnetized. The radius of the created prototypes is 4 meters.
According to the team, such devices are useful forissuing simple commands in cases where the user cannot easily hold the input device, for example, surgeons during operations, production workers, athletes during training. At the same time, the marks do not interfere with grasping, holding and manipulating objects, such as a scalpel or tool.
Recall that a more efficient and faster type of memory cells (RAM) has recently been developed.
text: Ilya Bauer, photo and video: University of Waterloo