A year has passed since this madhouse with crypt... passions have subsided... crypt fell, then rose again. Somebodygot rich, someone went broke.
I earned it, and before the last lingeringin a fall, anticipating a global asshole, he withdrew all the money and invested in his main business. I did not regret a single drop about the decision, because I withdrew the money with a solid plus.
But a year later I decided to stop by to see what is happening on the market at the moment. I climbed onto my exchanges to see the pennies that were left there, everywhere everything was zeroed out.
Then I go to the binance and see ...
Come on! - I thought))) delirium, glitch, cant)) well, where did 2 cue ball come from?
I started digging, it turned out that when I removed the headstock, some of the transactions were on orders and forgot to withdraw them, although it seems that everything was transferred to USDT and then displayed.
But where so much? What did you find out ...
1. What kind of warrants?
At one time, I hacked a bot from 3commas (and happily forgot about it), and it did a good job.
In addition, a bot from ApiTrade was also connected to one account, and it also performed well.
The initial deposit was 0.45 BTC. Excellent result without nerves and efforts.
2. What were the bot settings?
And here is the most interesting thing. OnApiTradeThere were basic settings, I didn’t touch anything at all. Deals are happening all the time!
On 3commas it’s a little more complicated. There were 2 bots working there:
The first bot worked on QFL 3%.A very interesting algorithm, I recommend reading it on the Internet.
The second bot worked on indicators, purchased for the tradingview service. The indicator is awesome! It's called Martin Trend Trader. This is not an advertisement, just read it on the Internet.
** What is the meaning: **
- Buy Martin Trend Trader indicator.
2. In TW, a basic account is enough
3. Choose a pair, for example,BTC-UDT. Place your betTrend codefrom the manual for the indicator (for example 9 for Binance, on a 1D timeframe):
Set up notifications in TW. There are two options: via web hook and via email. I had them by mail, there wasn’t much difference. Everything is done in a primitive way (just select the desired timeframe and install the code).
Next, configure the notifications according to the instructions on the site.
4. Create a bot in 3commas
Conditions for starting a transaction (you can play yourself, I made the maximum take and a big stop for insurance, because according to the indicator he takes a take and sends a stop signal):
You will then receive a list of commands for the bot.Set up notifications in TW according to the instructions for the indicator, and in the message indicate the code to start a transaction and the code to sell everything on the market. We need notifications from the indicator:Long tradeAndShort trade.
LIFE HACK: 3commas recently introduced the opportunity to create an account through them on Binance, and not pay % to the service. The idea is:
We buy an indicator (there, by the way, there is a free demo for a month, sort of! You can drive a bunch for free).
Register on 3commas, create an exchange accountThrough them (the guys are quite open, from St. Petersburg), we cut down the bot (it will now work for free), and top up the balance. We launch it, watch it and rejoice. Deals will be rare, but good!
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