May 3, 2024

Ethereum EIP-1559 Improvement Revealed Vulnerability

Ethereum EIP-1559 Improvement Revealed Vulnerability

Ethereum Fee Reform Proposal EIP-1559 Finds Vulnerability That Could Lead to Congestionnetwork.

The EIP-1559 enhancement proposes key changes to the fee mechanism. EIP-1559 suggestssending the gas fee directly to the network, after which part of the funds will beto be transferred to miners. 

In testing, developer Martin HolstSvende discovered that there was no maximum limit set in the engineIn this way, the fraudster canEnter a deliberately large value in the absence of such funds on the account and overload the network. 

Svendé proposed a solution to this problem, which the developers have already exploited and fixed the vulnerability.

The EIP-1559 enhancement should be activated in July when the London headfork is launched.

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