January 19, 2025

Casa introduced the solution for the transfer of bitcoins by inheritance

Custodial startup Casa has unveiled the Casa Covenant solution, which should solve the problem of transferring crypto assetsheirs in case of death of the owner.

Usually people for such purposes either trust a memberfamily passwords from wallets, or use a third-party identity keeper. But in the first case, the owner of cryptocurrency assets may lose them during his lifetime, and in the second case, heirs may not gain access to assets.

Casa Conenant is a comprehensive asset inheritance solution that complies with United States law.

“The best choice for a lawyer is to keep one key from the client’s wallet, which is created using the technology of multiple signatures,” representatives of Casa say.

Technically, the solution adds an optional key toCasa multisignature wallet. The startup launches a service that provides access to the services of a special lawyer, who will have an additional key stored. The service also takes care of all issues related to the training of cryptocurrency asset owners and their heirs.

Sometimes the death of the person in controlcryptocurrency wallets can lead to significant consequences not only for his relatives. Thus, the unexpected death of the founder of the QuadrigaCX exchange led to the loss of access to cryptocurrencies worth almost $190 million.
