April 28, 2024

What does it mean to be a bitcoiner?

To be one of those now called "Bitcoiners" requires a rare combination of qualities andinterests.Bitcoin appeared relatively recently, so in order to support it, and even so zealously, you need to be an exceptional person. Today's Bitcoiners are revolutionaries. Future Bitcoiners won't be like that because they won't have to go against everyone. In this article, I would like to highlight the qualities that dominate today's Bitcoiners.



“Bitcoinism” will grow every year, that’s allmore people will join for reasons less profound than those that drive today's Bitcoiners, and of course there will come a time when many will simply"Bitcoin by default", just like many today"Keynesians by default".

When the world changes, when it changesthe geopolitical picture, when Bitcoin grows, when technology and software penetrate more and more into our lives, when people start to rebel against authoritarianism, which is becoming more violent in an attempt to retain power, there will be more and more bitcoiners.

It will be a matter of life and death. All this is obvious. But I want to talk about the present.

Be a bitcoiner today, belong toto an exceptional group of people who, despite ridicule, bullying and neglect, see a better, fairer, smarter and more free future - means to have a special set of qualities.

Toxic Bitcoin maximalists (plebs)

There are many different shortcuts, but I willcall this subspecies “bitcoin plebs.” This is a special type of Bitcoiner, even less common, but representing something like special forces in this battle. These are the rough and tumble people who are the first line of defense for Bitcoin and everything it stands for. People do not become plebeians right away, and this, again, requires a certain predisposition (which will be discussed below).

Let's explore the qualities of bitcoiners.

Here are the common traits I've noticed in many of the people I've met:

The qualities and beliefs of bitcoiners

  • Intelligence
  • Searching for root causes
  • Systems thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Uncompromising
  • Independence
  • Wit
  • Focus on productivity
  • Low time preference
  • High standards
  • Honesty
  • Curiosity
  • Conviction
  • Dissent
  • Memetic thinking
  • Concentration
  • Focusing on the cutting edge
  • Courage
  • Sequence
  • freedom
  • Independence
  • Ability to donate and care
  • Strong moral principles
  • Missionary work
  • Modesty
  • Asserting the right to confidentiality
  • Individualism
  • Radicality

Now let's look at the plebs


As a rule, all of the above (to a more extreme degree) are characteristic of him, as well as:

  • Rigidity
  • Coarseness
  • Ruthlessness
  • Toxicity
  • Meat eating
  • Weightlifting
  • Intolerance of stupidity and fraud
  • Higher level memetic thinking
  • Purposefulness
  • Defending your innocence
  • Steadfastness
  • Stubbornness
  • Militancy

Only a truly special person can be a bitcoiner, with certain mental skills, the courage to stand up for the truth, and steadfastness in this volatile world.

Do some of us go overboard sometimes? Definitely ... But it bears fruit.

When three hundred Spartans lined up a line of defense in front of a many times superior enemy, this was also too much, but the situation required it.

There are no perfect people. Not ideal are the defenders standing between you and the world of crooks, parasites, bankers, scoundrels, statists, socialists, crazy leftists and governments that suck your time, energy and, of course, your bitcoins from you.

But the plebs, bitcoiners and toxic maximalistsstand in the first line of defense. The day will come when the world, looking back at this period in history, will be grateful to them. People will admire our courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

If you are a bitcoiner or a plebeian, I'm glad we are marching together now. We are really in the early stages, and it is always difficult to defend a new idea.

Today we are in opposition, but if we do not give up, we will change the world.
