April 28, 2024

The idea that virtual currencies

All assets in the market react to changing expectations, including Bitcoin, which many believeprotection forcentral bank operations. Virtual currencies are one of the most interesting phenomena in recent years. The reason virtual currencies are interesting is not only because of their sharp jump in value, but also because the very interest in them undermines the greatest power of countries in the world - control over money. Exclude the ability to control the amount of money in the country, and the authorities in the country will quickly lose their ability to control citizens. hard to believe? Notice the world's opposition to the Facebook Libre project in recent years (Demi was buried last year). The last thing countries will do is relinquish their right to control the currency. It is too early to determine what the future of virtual currencies will be, and the fact that the chances of virtual currencies becoming the main means of payment now seem low. However, they may well be a defensive asset against central bank actions. The flow of trillions of dollars from central banks over the past two months has come at a price, and the price inflates asset prices and is likely creating financial bubbles - Bitcoin is one of those bubbles. Bitcoin is currently worth $ 15,000 - the highest level since the 2017 madness. Another Fed intervention in the markets is expected to continue to be profitable for the currency.