May 3, 2024

Trezor wallet company announces Bitcoin Cash fork

SatoshiLabs has announced that its Trezor hardware wallets will not besupport a new asset,which may appear as a result of the upcoming fork of the Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrency.

SatoshiLabs say they continue to supportthe existing implementation of Bitcoin Cash called Bitcoin ABC, and after the fork will follow the general consensus to determine the dominant chain.

According to the latest information, Bitcoin ABC is not usedsupport in the community, and exchanges, provided that the existing distribution is maintained, will most likely assign the BCH ticker to another chain, the software of which is called BCHN and is currently used by 75% of the nodes. According to Coin Dance, the share of nodes that have signaled in support of ABC over the past seven days has dropped below 1%.

“Depending on the consensus of users afterof the fork, we will either not change anything, or we will switch support to the chain that will be separated as a result of the fork, that is, Bitcoin Cash Node, ”write SatoshiLabs.

They highlight in a separate paragraph and in an enlarged font:

"There will be no tools to support the separation!"

Users who wish to receive coins from the new chain are encouraged to withdraw their Bitcoin Cash assets to a third-party wallet.

A number of community members expressed disappointment inconnection with the company's decision. Particular criticism was caused by SatoshiLabs' intention to maintain support for Bitcoin ABC during the fork, which could cause confusion among users in the event of a sudden depreciation of their assets.
