May 17, 2024

Physicists have questioned the existence of dark energy

Physicists have questioned the existence of dark energy

New research has shown that the expansion of the universe may be due to the magnetic repulsion of dark matter without the participation of mysterious dark energy.

Ever since scientists learned about the acceleratedexpansion of space, they assumed that this is due to the presence in space of some unknown repulsive force. Calculations have shown that to fulfill the conditions of the cosmological constant, its share should account for about 70% of the entire Universe. However, its presence and properties remained a mystery.

Now physicists fromCopenhagen University proposed a newa model that explains the expansion of space without dark energy. Since scientists have discovered indirect signs of the existence of dark matter, but still know little about it, the team suggested that its particles may have a magnetic force (or similar) that repels them from each other.

Computer simulation showed that atUnder such conditions, the cosmological constant does not require the presence of dark energy, since the mutual repulsion of dark matter will have the same effect on the expansion rate of the Universe.

However, the team is in no hurry to refute the existing hypothesis and will test everything on more complex models with a number of additional parameters.

New research increasingly refutes basic physical theories. For example, a recent CERN experiment showed that elementary particles behave differently than the Standard Model says.
