April 29, 2024

NASA has funded new fantastic space exploration projects

NASA has funded new fantastic space exploration projects

NASA has allocated an additional $ 5 million to develop a number of innovative technological concepts for space exploration.

Total within the framework of the NIAC NationalThe US Aeronautics and Space Administration has approved a number of projects that at first glance may seem fantastic. Previously, we talked about five of them: an inflatable probe for studying planets with extreme atmospheres, an installation for extracting ice on space objects, a swarm of spherical robots for exploring planets with harsh terrain,a self-healing spacesuit and an advanced lunar telescope to discover exoplanets.

In addition to them, NASA also supported the study of the ideausing mushrooms to create structures in alien worlds. Scientists from the Ames Research Center will test various types of eukaryotic organisms, their growth conditions, pore sizes and other properties when growing in the conditions of the Moon and Mars. The team will consider both the prospects for growing whole structures and the use of mycelium for the production of individual structural elements.

Global will also receive fundingAerospace, working on technology for landing spacecraft on Pluto and other celestial bodies with a rarefied atmosphere. The concept proposed by the engineers involves the use of a large, lightweight retarder that will inflate as it approaches the surface.

All projects under the NIAC program are in the early stages of development, so some of them may take 10 or more years to complete.
