May 3, 2024

GeekBrains Launches Course on Algorithms and Data Structures for Developers

GeekBrains Launches Course on Algorithms and Data Structures for Developers

In five months, students will learn to write effective code, solve complex business problems with algorithms, and will be able toto add a diploma project to the portfolio.employment.

The course will help the best developers learn how to solve complex problems by using algorithms and data structures.Mid-level professionals will be able to expand their competences and strengthen resumes with new cases.

During the training, students will become familiar with the concepts of algorithm and data structure, basic operations, and learn to solve real problemsThey learn where to apply greedy algorithms, how to create recursive algorithms and solve problems using popular sorting methods.

Teachers will explain to students what graphs are,what ways of representing them in memory exist. Separate course module  focuses on hash tables, hash functions and their collisions, students will look at the basic algorithms and data structures for working with strings.

Also as part of the course they will become familiar withdynamic programming, probabilistic algorithms and data structures, Bloom filter and HyperLogLog, learn to solve problems on two-dimensional dynamics. At the end of the training they will develop  a project in the form of a repository with its own implementations of a large number of algorithms and data structures, which can be demonstrated to potential employers.

The course teachers will be practitionersspecialists and employees of top IT companies. GeekBrains graduates will receive a certificate and a certificate of advanced training. The HR manager will help them write a strong resume and prepare for interviews.

The course starts on November 23. Training is paid.
