April 26, 2024

Ethereum miners organize pool with 51% hashrate to protest fee reduction

Ethereum miners organize pool with 51% hashrate to protest fee reduction

Ethereum miners are planning to hold a 51-hour protest against the upcoming EIP-1559 in April, sending more than half of the network hashrate to one pool.

Recently, the Ethereum team reported that the Julya system-wide update will change the principles of transaction fees. To combat the overestimated level of fees, the developers decided to abandon the market regulation of the rate size and establish a single fixed value, as well as add a burning mechanism.

It is estimated that Ether miners could lose up to 50% of their profits as a result of these changes.Since in January almost 40% of income came from commissions.

To demonstrate the majority's disagreement withWith the proposed update, miners want to hold a protest. On April 1, they plan to transfer more than 51% of the computing power of the ETH network into one pool and hold it for 51 hours. Participants will not carry out an attack on a crypto project.
