April 28, 2024

Brazilian presidential candidates exclude crypto assets from election rhetoric

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Brazilian presidential candidates exclude crypto assets from election rhetoric

According to a survey conducted among 12 Brazilian presidential candidates for the 2022 elections, none of the candidates mention cryptocurrencies or Bitcoin in the election campaign.

All 12 candidates for the highest government post do not use the term CBDC or any other designation for the digital currency of the country's central bank in the Real Digital project.

Only two race participants mention in theirspeeches the term blockchain: the current president of the country, Jair Bolsonaro, and presidential candidate Pablo Marçal. Both politicians, when discussing the implementation of blockchain, associate its use with the improvement of technologies that promote business transparency in the country, and not with the industry aimed at the widespread introduction of crypto-assets.

Both politicians are unanimous in their opinion that the broadDigitalization of the Brazilian market and the introduction of blockchain technology in key sectors of the country’s economy will create conditions for attracting international investment. And investment, in turn, will contribute to economic development, job creation and social well-being.

In early August, the head of the Brazilian federal government, Ricardo Barros, announced
on postponing hearings and voting on the cryptocurrency law in the National Congress. Reason: presidential election campaign.