According to the new policy of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, Japanese users may face a graduallimitation of trading services.
Published this weekIn an official notification, the exchange said its flagship platform will be implementing a “gradual restriction of trading features” for Japanese residents “soon.”
At the moment, all services are available forJapanese users, however, according to Binance, will soon be published details related to future restrictions. This step is reminiscent of the initiative implemented by Binance in the United States.
Last June, the exchange announced it would cease serving clients in the United States and then opened a branch of the Binance.US platform in the country. However, it is not yet clear whether the company plans to open a stock exchange in Japan.
Let us recall that this month the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine reported that the Binance cryptocurrency exchange submitted a package of documents to open an account in the Ukrainian bank IBOX BANK.
Additionally, in December, Binance added new Turkish Lira and Russian Ruble trading pairs, and last November, the exchange added the ability to trade with the Russian Ruble.