May 4, 2024

South Korea took a course on the development of the blockchain

The minister from South Korea spoke about the government’s intention to cultivate the development of blockchain giants within the medium-termStrategies for accelerating growth after the devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic for small and medium-sized business of the country.

“The technology of the blockchain is becoming particularly important inepoch after corona virus. Thanks to her undertakings and startups in the area of ​​the blockchain will be able to develop in the future. We are trying to create an eco-system that will help this, ”said the minister for the development of small and medium-sized products and start-ups Pak Yong Sahn.

High-level conferencing by blockchain in the capitalYuzhnoy Kopei, Pak zayavil chto nadeetcya chto cammit "ctanet otppavnoy tochkoy for cozdaniya kompany-gigantov in cfepe blokcheyna», a takzhe pomozhet vozpodit gocudapctvennuyu zonu cvobodnogo pegulipovaniya for blokcheyn-ppoektov in poptovom gopode Pucan.

In addition, Pak discussed the possibility of acceptingpolicy solutions that will help companies with blockchain technology grow and work in parallel with other innocuous innovations in 4.0

It is expected that on the MCP sector the mainthe severity of the economic consequences after the coronavirus epidemic is more so, already many export companies are threatened with crunch due to the sharp drop of the order.

Following the new ambition, the Zero Pau platform,Maintained by the government, focused on a large update based on the technology of the block. It will allow sellers, suppliers and buyers to make and receive “no commission” payments.
