April 26, 2024

Augur Prediction Market Team Announces Platform Update Date


Karolina Salinger

Platform developers for creatingAugur's peer-to-peer prediction markets have announced an ecosystem upgrade - Augur v2 will launch July 28th.


Existing REP tokens will be renamed to REPv1, the issued new tokens will be called REPv2.

REP owners will need to manually transfer assets from the previous system to Augur v2. For this, the project team will provide detailed guidance and tools.

The developers also said that in the futureToken holders will be required to participate in the forks of the system. If they do not do this within a 60-day period, their tokens will no longer be available for participation in updates and future Augur universes.

The project team emphasized that forks are an extreme security measure for Augur.

Recall, the release of the second version of the Augur protocol took place last year.