April 26, 2024

US bills on the status of digital assets and cryptocurrency exchanges

US bills on the status of digital assets and cryptocurrency exchanges

Two bills were immediately submitted for discussion in the United States. If accepted, America's crypto industry will undergotransformation. One of their projects concerns the transfer to regulators of the right to control cryptocurrency exchanges, the second contains new norms for identifying the legal status of digital assets.

Author of one of the bills on the transitioncontrol over crypto projects at the federal level, believes that digital asset exchanges can be regulated on a par with contract markets. Mike Conaway is confident that crypto exchanges will be transferred under the control of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

We also plan to change the classification of tradeplatforms focused on working with digital assets. The proposal states that the exchanges will lose their service provider status. Other initiatives by Mike Conaway, which he presented in the bill, include the following:

  • Exchanges will be able to choose the option of regulatory policy: within the state, or as part of a federal legal system.
  • Listing restriction. The basket of the exchange, according to the author of the bill, should contain only assets that are difficult to manipulate.
  • Exchanges will be able to obtain the status of "qualified custodian of digital assets" if they meet the minimum set of requirements.

The second bill was proposed by a member of the Houserepresentatives of the United States - Tom Emmer. The document regulates new rules for the identification of securities. Emmer proposed an option to differentiate investment contracts with digital assets. If adopted, the US crypto industry will receive a tool on the basis of which market participants can determine the legal status of assets.

The media suggested that if such a law had been adopted earlier, the crypto community would have been able to avoid many conflicts, including the situation with Telegram tokens.

US bills on the status of digital assets and cryptocurrency exchanges


