May 6, 2024

“Original” Bitcoin almost broke

"Original" Bitcoin almost broke

On February 3, the Bitcoin SV (BSV) network underwent a scheduled Genesis update. Since most nodes are still notupdated and work with the old version, at the moment there are two versions of the BSV blockchain.

According to BitMEX Research, the update was carried out on the 620 538 block. About a quarter of all BSV nodes still work on the old version and cannot synchronize with the main network.

Moreover, a few hours after the upgrade was completed, a new block was mined on the old network, which means that some miners also did not switch to the updated version.

BitMEX representatives who initially reported no network split later wrote:

A split was discovered in the network, the old chain was expanded by another block.

"Original" Bitcoin almost broke

Genesis Update Changes Many ExistingBitcoin SV network rules. The block size is now completely unlimited, the number of possible owners for multisig wallets and the maximum possible transaction size have also been significantly increased.

Recall that recently an expert from Cane Island Alternative Advisors said that the active growth in the number of transactions in the Bitcoin SV network is unnatural.

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