May 1, 2024

The electoral company of the South Korean politician is financed by cryptocurrencies

The election campaign of South Korean politician Lee Jae-myung, who officially became a candidate for the post of president fromThe democratic party will accept bitcoins and ether, as well as three other cryptocurrencies, which have not yet been chosen by the elected committee.


Lee's supporters, who are using the cryptocurrency, will be able to contribute their contribution to the campaign already this month. It is generally agreed that all sacrificed cryptocurrencies will be converted to war on the local stock exchange.

Participants will receive special irreplaceable tokens as a bonus for the specified facilities. The NFT will display the candidate's photo together with its pre-selected promises.

This news made the former governor of the province of Gyunga the first presidential candidate to issue his own NFTs.

Cryptocurrency Promotion Reflects Lee's Desirego out to the young voters. According to the survey conducted in November, 40.5% of the respondents aged from 20 to 40 years stated that they had invested in cryptocurrencies.

Last month, he said that he wanted the South Korea to lead the adoption of cryptocurrencies, listing digital assets as "unacceptable" realizable.

Has also kept on moving the discussion of taxation of the credits for the next year, on the way promising to increase the limits of deductions.

The last pre-election poll, published on January 1, shows that Lee is 4.6% ahead of the candidate from the conservative Party of the People's Authority Yun Coc Yolya.
