May 17, 2024

Study: Canada will get benefits from launching CBDC

A study published by Canada's central bank, Banque du Canada, identifies a number of factors from which a country can benefitbenefit from your own digital currency of the Central Bank or CBDC.


The document contains two scenes that canto go to the release of CBDC. One of them presupposes that the citizen will be rejected from the use of cash inside the country for various reasons. The second is based on the fact that digital currency, public or private, is becoming so prevalent that it will create a threat to the public opinion.

In addition, research has shown that cryptocurrencies and stablecoins are used in the quality of payment systems in Canada, which are right for us now.

The docoument also contains the advantages,associated with the adoption of CBDC. In particular, it is believed that technology can have the same level of safety, as well as cash, allowing you to use it in the payment system. Unlike credit and debit cards, CBDC will provide reduced commissions:

“CBDC Can Become A Simpler Toolcompetitive policy, because it is an alternative cheap payment tool for buyers and sellers. He will help to reduce the commission for exchanges charged by the existing networks. "

The intepe implies and the fact that CBDC canto maintain smart contracts, but it means to increase the speed of performing transactions due to the automaticization of actions that are usually performed manually. However, it is emphasized that smart-contracts should be further studied before taking decisions on their implementation.

“In general, we have come to the conclusion that the release of CBDC can be profitable and, probably, unsuitable for providing a competitive and dynamic digital performance” -
