May 3, 2024 launches "Gate Institutional" for institutional investors launches "Gate Institutional" for institutional investors, one of the largest exchanges in the world with over 10 million users, has launched a divisioninstitutional services, which willfocused on serving market makers (MM) and brokers. Called "Gate Institutional", this new service will provide the tools needed to help institutions increase their crypto exposure. Recently, also launched a massive $10 million liquidity promotion campaign to support brokers on the platform.'s director of business development had this to say about the launch of Gate Institutional:

“More and more organizations are showinginterest in cryptocurrencies and seek to diversify their portfolios. To make it easier for them to access crypto services, launched Gate Institutional. As a comprehensive crypto ecosystem, Gate Institutional will benefit a wider range of brokers and market makers. «

The Gate Institution Broker and MM programs arekey areas for as the company seeks to increase liquidity while continuing its expansion. The Gate io MM program supports some of the world's leading cryptocurrencies with flexible trading strategies, 900 r/s order frequency, 5000 r/s order cancellation, and support for over 300 WebSocket connections. Meanwhile, the Brokerage Program supports three types of brokers - Portal, API and Exchange. Each type of broker will receive rewards and bonuses depending on the use of the platform.

Gate Institution will also release an exclusivean NFT pass that users can use to access the metaverse. In addition, the NFT has been upgraded with 3D capabilities and will allow users to receive whitelisted qualifications or direct airdrops.


 Founded in 2013, is one of the oldest and leading cryptocurrency exchanges. offers the most leading digital assets and has over 10 million registered users worldwide. It consistently ranks among the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of liquidity and trading volume on CoinGecko and is validated by the Blockchain Transparency Institute (BTI). In addition, Forbes Advisor has given a rating of 4.5, making it one of the best crypto exchanges for 2021. Apart from the main exchange, also offers other services such as decentralized finance, research and analytics, venture capital. investments, wallet services and more.

Denial of responsibility:

Please note that may not provide the full range of services in certain markets and jurisdictions, and may restrict or prohibit the use of all or part of the services from prohibited locations such as the United States of America, Canada, Iran, Cuba and other countries. For the latest list of all restricted locations, please review the User Agreement, “Section II Eligibility” via launches "Gate Institutional" for institutional investors
