April 29, 2024

Bitcoin books worth reading in 2020

In 2019, Bitcoin showed the highest return of all market assets, far ahead of gold and the index.S&P 500. And 2020 turned out to be no less bright.Additionally, more and more people are talking about Bitcoin and are beginning to realize that the current monetary and financial system has almost reached its limits. More and more people are wondering if Bitcoin could be a reliable alternative to this flawed system. In short, the Bitcoin revolution is underway and it's best to be prepared for it.

With every block of Bitcoin releasedis growing and developing, and this process will continue in 2020. If you want to catch the bitcoin revolution train, it's not too late, but it's best to start with a good, competent guide to get the basic concepts right.

As options for such a guide, II recommend seven essential books that are worth reading on the back burner. These books will help you most effectively and competently enter the world of Bitcoin and understand the philosophy of this revolution that is happening right now.

The little bitcoin book

Published in Summer 2019, The LittleThe Bitcoin Book is a small, concise book to read if you want to quickly and clearly understand what Bitcoin is. In addition, this book will help you understand why Bitcoin is essential for the future world.

Bitcoin is not a get-rich-quick scheme thatno matter what some people think about it. His goals are much more ambitious. Bitcoin is essential to create a fairer future for all people on the planet.

The Little Bitcoin Book was written by the teamauthors committed to promoting and democratizing Bitcoin. Among the authors, we find, for example, Jimmy Song, among other things, teaching blockchain programming to developers and bringing the good news about Bitcoin to people.

The book has a Q&A section where you can quickly find answers to all of the most common questions about Bitcoin.

This book can also be the perfect gift for someone around you if you are already familiar with Bitcoin and want others to also understand its importance for the future world.

“Mastering Bitcoin. Blockchain programming "

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is one of the most famous and recognized authors in the Bitcoin world. Since 2013, he has devoted much of his time to blockchain evangelism.

After reading this book, you will receive a clearunderstanding of what Bitcoin and blockchain are. This is very valuable knowledge, because before investing your money in cryptocurrencies, I think it is important to understand what blockchain is and why it is a real revolution. In this sense, having a solid foundation can only help you on your way to success in the world of cryptocurrencies.

"Internet of Money", parts 1, 2 and 3

The authorship of three volumes of the "Internet of Money" alsobelongs to Andreas Antonopoulos. While many other books talk primarily about the technical side of Bitcoin and how it works, this series of books covers a topic not so often touched upon in the literature: the background and reasons for Bitcoin's rise.

Bitcoin was created in response to the financial crisis2008-2009 and represents a successful attempt to create an autonomous and decentralized digital currency free from government control. And he will likely be the main winner in the next financial crisis that threatens the world in 2020.

In these books, Andreas Antonopoulos explains in detail why Bitcoin is a real revolution, drawing exciting parallels with other technologies that have revolutionized the world.

All this is presented in an inimitable styleAntonopoulos, who knows how to convey even the most complex concepts to the audience in an accessible way. Finally, these books go well beyond the speculative side of Bitcoin to detail its philosophical, social, and historical implications.

The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative To Central Banking

This book by Sayfiddin Ammus (here you canbuy an abridged version in Russian) is considered by many early adopters of the technology to be one of the best books on Bitcoin. It talks about the historical context of Bitcoin's development and the economic properties that make it unique and allow it to grow at a rapid pace. It also teaches you more about the likely economic, social and political implications of this new technology.

In the introduction to this book, renowned trader and philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote the following:

“Bitcoin has no one owner, no one whowould have the authority to determine his fate. It belongs to all users. And by this point, he had amassed a sufficient track record to be perceived as a mature and complete system. By its very existence, it reminds governments that the last object they can still control — money — is no longer their monopoly. And this gives us, ordinary people, insurance against the onset of a completely Orwellian future. "

Again, a must-read for anyone interested in investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Bullish On Bitcoin: 37 Strategies To Profit In The New Crypto Economy

Euphoria in the Bitcoin market at the end of 2017made thousands of people dream of a simple path to a comfortable and free future. Attracted to this market by greed, many invested in it recklessly and without any measure, having no idea about the world of cryptocurrencies. The results for many of these people were disastrous.

The euphoria of 2017 has been replaced by a prolonged bearishmarket 2018. To prevent newcomers to the world of Bitcoin from making the same mistakes, Misha Yurchenko wrote this book detailing 37 actionable strategies that will allow you to profit from the Bitcoin market, as well as the new cryptocurrency economy in general.

Here, the author teaches readers to control their minds in order to make decisions and act like a trader, and, in particular, to control their emotions as much as possible.

From the book, you will also learn how to determineundervalued projects with the potential to provide a good return on investment. Risk management methods are described in detail, as well as strategies to optimize taxation of your profit from investment in cryptoassets.

Finally, Misha Yurchenko also talks about howyou can take the next step in the world of blockchain technology and find work in this field. An important book, the relevance of which is only growing against the backdrop of the events of 2020.

Confessions Of A Crypto Millionaire

This book is somewhat different from the previous ones. Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire is more of a personal book in which Dan Conway talks about his incredible life journey and "escape from corporate America."

For Dan Conway, the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies isnot just money. The search for personal freedom and salvation is central to his book. Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire is a non-technical book showing how the very idea of ​​blockchain-based decentralization has captivated a generation of innovators.

Dan Conway's book is very easy to read thanks to its gripping storyline and the fact that you never know if an author will succeed in contributing to world history or will eventually lose everything.

Therefore, I sincerely advise everyone to read this book to open their minds to the adventures that the world of cryptocurrency has to offer to those who are fully committed to it.

Programming Bitcoin: Learn How To Program Bitcoin From Scratch

Jimmy Song is known in the cryptocurrency world asa dedicated believer in Bitcoin and an evangelist for the better world that Bitcoin is building for the future. Song is also an accomplished programmer and renowned popularizer of blockchain programming.

In the book Programming Bitcoin. Learning to Program Bitcoin from Scratch ”Jimmy Song brings the reader a unique dive into the very heart of blockchain technology.

This technical book is aimed primarily at developers, but may be of interest to a wider readership looking to get to the heart of the technology behind Bitcoin.

In this book, you will learn how to analyze, validate, and create Bitcoin transactions, and how to use Script, the smart contract programming language at the heart of Bitcoin.

Algorithm-based consensus mechanismproof-of-work will no longer have any secrets for you, as well as cryptographic primitives and managing the public and secret cryptographic keys used in the Bitcoin blockchain. All code examples in this book are written in Python 3, one of the most popular and widely available programming languages ​​today.

The value of this book cannot be overemphasized, and I recommend it not only to developers, but to anyone who would like to move deeper in their understanding of the Bitcoin blockchain.


2020 has changed a lot in our life, includingincluding further exposing the fundamental problems of the existing financial system. The process of democratizing Bitcoin is going faster and faster. More and more people are looking at Bitcoin as a reliable alternative to the traditional monetary system, which seems to have almost exhausted itself.

We should all prepare ourselves as best we can forthe advent of a new world embodied by Bitcoin. A good way to do this is to refer to thematic books, the best of which I have presented to you in this article. After reading these books, you will have all the necessary information, not only about what Bitcoin is for the future, but also how to use this knowledge so as not to regret missed opportunities in 25 years.

