April 26, 2024

Scientists have found a new way to slow down aging

Scientists have found a new way to slow down aging

A group of researchers has proposed a new way to slow down the aging process of living cells by manipulating DNA.

By studying the mechanisms of aging in yeast, scientists fromThe University of California, San Diego found that despite their genetic similarity and the same habitat, they can age in very different ways. About half of the studied cells died as a result of a gradual decrease in the number of nucleoli, while in others, mitochondria ceased to function.

After additional tests, the researchers found thatthat cells begin to follow one of two pathways from the very beginning of their life and have identified a molecular circuit that determinesThis allowed the team to simulate the process  and optimize it by reprogramming the genetic code, which dramatically increased the yeast's lifespan.

Scientists have found a new way to slow down aging

Scientists say that similar methods can also beapply to delay human aging and improve his health indicators. Therefore, in the future, they will conduct experiments with complex cells and organisms.
