May 3, 2024

How Warren Buffett's Investments Can Help BTC Grow?

How Warren Buffett's Investments Can Help BTC Grow?

Analyst and host of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser, believes that a weakening dollar could eventually lead tobillionaire Warren Buffett's actions in such a currency will disappoint.paradoxically help bitcoin grow to a new historical high.

The paradox is that Buffett himself is still a critic of bitcoin, although many of his "colleagues" in the "skeptic camp" are increasingly beginning to sympathize with cryptocurrencies.

For example, a well-known Bitcoin critic and supporterinvesting in gold, economist Peter Schiff suddenly asked the cryptocurrency community to give his son a birthday present and send him bitcoins. Schiff-father admitted once again that he irretrievably lost his small cryptocurrency investments, since he did not save the password to them. He is sure that his son will not make such a mistake again.

Indeed, this year one can observea strong revival of interest in bitcoin, which was not the case in 2018-2019. The fate of the dollar remains in question. The issue of this currency has become so large-scale that it raises concerns about the preservation of confidence in it on the part of global investors.

So is Buffett exiting the US dollar?Kaiser believes there are signs that this is already starting to happen. Data released by Reuters shows that the billionaire invested about $6 billion to buy a 5% stake in one of Japan's largest trading houses.

Jason Williams, co-founder of InvestmentMorgan Creek Capital, previously noted that it is worth paying attention to Buffett's investments in companies that mine gold. According to Williams, such an investor's line of thought will eventually lead the billionaire to start investing in bitcoins, and "very soon."

A record decline in the value of the dollar inthe dollar index has already led to an increase in the price of bitcoin in the current year to the level of 12.45 thousand dollars. Another sinking of the US dollar can cause an even greater rise in the price of bitcoin, and many investors consider the likelihood of such a development of the situation as considerable.

How Warren Buffett's Investments Can Help BTC Grow?


