April 25, 2024

Users of General Bytes crypto ATMs lost over $1.5 million during a hacker attack

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Users of General Bytes crypto ATMs lost over $1.5 million during a hacker attack

Manufacturer of crypto ATMs GeneralBytes reported that its cloud platform was hacked. Hackers installed malware on devices and gained access to user assets, stealing over $1.5 million.

In a newsletter published by General Bytes,it is said that thanks to the vulnerability, attackers can remotely download Java applications to the company’s cryptomats. With their help, hackers can gain access to user information and input data, as well as steal cryptocurrencies from hot wallets. The company has suspended the operation of its cloud service, but crypto ATMs connected to third-party servers also remain vulnerable.

“Hackers can gain access to the database.They can read and decrypt API keys used to access funds on hot wallets and exchanges, and withdraw assets from them. They also have access to usernames, can download hashes of their passwords and disable two-factor authentication,” said General Bytes founder Karel Kyovsky.

The company published a list of 41 addresseswallets to which hackers transferred funds. Most of all they withdrew bitcoins - 56 BTC are stored on the wallet, which is over $1.54 million. In addition, the attackers were able to steal almost 22 ETH.

This is not the first time crypto ATMs have been hacked.General Bytes. Last August, the company reported that its crypto application server had been hacked. At the same time, as stated on the company’s website, it has produced more than 15,000 crypto ATMs, which are used by companies from 149 countries.