Without censorship and taxes: the creators of Telegram have begun public testing of the TON blockchain platform. Source codessoftware appeared in the openaccess. Kommersant FM spoke with specialists who reviewed the documentation. For now, the data is of interest to developers, and it is not entirely clear what the innovative platform from the Durov brothers, worth $2 billion, will look like, but experts are already calling it revolutionary. What will she change? Vladislav Viktorov sorted it out.
</strong>Testing the blockchain platform from its creatorsTelegram has been running since May, although in closed mode. At the same time, Pavel Durov provided data from which it was impossible to draw specific conclusions about the viability of the system. Now more information is available to developers: first of all, there are instructions for creating special nodes - the so-called nodes. They will allow you to carry out transactions, including to other countries, in a matter of minutes.
For now, this is the main function of the TON platform, explainsChairman of the expert council on blockchain technology of the fintech company DTI Algorithmic Alexander Butmanov. He has already tested the system and is convinced that this is a breakthrough, although a simple user is still unlikely to be able to realize it.
Alexander Butmanov, Chairman of the Expert Council on Blockchain Technology at the fintech company DTI Algorithmic:
“What was posted on the Internet are reference points.They show developers how transactions will be verified within the network. That is, this is only for those who will write some kind of industrial solutions or “process” the nodes themselves. So far, the retail consumer is not very interested in this - it is more of a load test to determine the maximum performance of the system. This is just a sign to the market: guys, we are here, we are close, we are ready, wait.”
TON or Telegram Open Network foundedon the principle of a distributed system. The media have more than once compared this network to the DarkNet (“shadow Internet”), where the nodes are run by anonymous people with encrypted IP addresses. In theory, TON can become an alternative to the Internet with all its capabilities. The core of the system will be the Telegram messenger - this is how, by the way, its monetization will begin, Durov promised, and the internal cryptocurrency Gram will revive the platform.
However, they don’t even know what TON will be like in the endinvestors who invested about $2 billion If all this works by the end of October, we can talk about a revolution in the digital technology market, says Vladimir Smerkis, co-founder of the Tokenbox platform.
Vladimir Smerkis, co-founder of the Tokenbox platform:
“Telegram has more than 200 million active usersall over the world. Not a single cryptocurrency project can boast of so many people through whom it can distribute its new technologies. The new technology of the digital market leader will allow the entire market to move from its dead point. The importance of TON lies in the fact that there will be no need to have any intermediaries on the way of transferring funds - all this will be inside the platform.”
It seems that crypto industry experts are delightedwaiting for a new product. It is precisely on such boundless trust in Pavel Durov’s project that the success of the entire system is built, says Leonid Delitsyn, an analyst at the Finam group of companies. However, TON will clearly break out of the current system, where all monetary transactions are controlled by government regulators. The same US Treasury has long criticized Facebook for the development of the Libra cryptocurrency. Although it may be easier for Telegram to cope with pressure from global authorities, notes
Leonid Delitsyn, Analyst, Finam Group of Companies:
“There may be a situation of luck if MarkZuckerberg will heed the request of American lawmakers not to open this payment system. The latter fear that cryptocurrency could shake the financial system. There are no concerns regarding Telegram; it still has an order of magnitude fewer users. Telegram will be able to start experimenting with these payments and occupy a certain niche.”
Experts worry that the development of cryptocurrencieshappens too quickly, which provokes their complete ban. After all, no country has yet really decided how to handle electronic money. Meanwhile, optimists are wondering how rapidly the Telegram cryptocurrency will increase in price after its launch. Just how ordinary users can acquire the Gram currency is still unknown.
The test version of the TON blockchain platform shouldwas supposed to appear in the public domain on September 1, but this never happened. According to media reports, the delay was caused by the fact that the developers underestimated the amount of work.
Original - Kommersant.
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