December 12, 2024

The victim of the virus-extortionist programmer hacked virus developers

A German programmer who became a victim of a ransomware virus decided to take revenge on the attackers and hacked the databasedata of hackers in which keys for decrypting files were stored.

German programmer Tobias Fremel (TobiasFrömel) was the victim of hackers who infected his computers with a ransomware virus that encrypted important Fremel files. The programmer had to pay for decrypting the files, but, unsatisfied with this state of affairs, he hacked the database of intruders and downloaded the keys necessary for decryption. Thus, he is able to help other victims of the ransomware virus.

“I hacked them and got a complete database withkeys, here it is... Yes, I know it's illegal, but he also used already compromised servers, so I'm not the bad guy in this situation. But it’s all really sad, I gave 670 euros to this criminal,” wrote Tobias Fremel on the BleepingComputer forum.

Tobias posted a database with keys fordecryption, and also wrote instructions for using the program to decrypt files. At the same time, he left the address of his Bitcoin wallet for those who want to thank the programmer financially.

Recently it became known that hackers broke into the systems of the Spanish city of Jerez de la Frontera and demand a ransom in bitcoins for unlocking.
