February 12, 2025

Blockchain conference participants in Japan discussed the future of the crypto industry

Blockchain conference participants in Japan discussed the future of the crypto industry

On June 27, a conference dedicated to blockchain technology was held in Tokyo. More than 100 companies took part in it,many of them talked about their platforms for various business areas.


Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network,consisting of user computers on which records of all transactions from the moment of their creation are kept. Each person can process money transfers using the computing power of a computer and receive a reward for it in cryptocurrency. The technology of distributed databases is considered innovative primarily due to the fact that it guarantees the impossibility of falsifying data and provides public access to information about transactions.

A startup called Beepnow introduced atThe conference is a blockchain platform for finding work and employees. According to Becknow CEO Alex Tsaya, blockchain technology has improved the reliability of the system and eliminated the risks of leakage of personal information of freelancers. This fall, Beepnow will release its cryptocurrency to attract project financing.

Tokyo-based Cure intends to usetokens to create a platform for cosplayers and their fans. Cosplay coins can be used as payment for the work of cosplayers. Cure representatives said that they have already managed to form a large customer base, and with the help of tokens, the company will be able to make international money transfers.


Initial Coin Offering (ICO) has become veryA popular method of attracting investment. As part of the ICO, you can buy tokens issued by a startup blockchain for leading cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum). However, the ICO has its drawbacks, in particular, some projects turn out to be fraudulent, and investors lose their money. It is for this reason that firms that already work in some area and have a customer base are considered more reliable.

According to the Israeli firm's development teamSirin Labs, for the average consumer, blockchain technology is too complex to understand. So they decided to take a slightly different path and created the world's first blockchain smartphone, Finney, which will go on sale in October this year. Blockchain applications will be pre-installed on the smartphone, which will increase the level of security of personal data. A cryptocurrency wallet will also be built into the mobile phone. Sirin Labs lead marketer Nimrod May says: “Finney will become the link between the blockchain economy and the consumer market. Smartphone – This is a device that people use regularly, so the technology will become part of everyday life”.

Conference in Tokyo became one of the largestevents related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The organizers believe that such events will help technology development in Japan. Representatives of the participating companies noted the importance of the conference, with its help you can learn about the needs of customers and establish ties with the developing Japanese cryptocurrency market.