April 25, 2024

The number of addresses storing 100 or more BTC has updated the half-year maximum

According to the Glassnode platform, the number of wallets holding 100 or more BTC this week reached six monthsmaximum.

Now about 16,159 addresses contain such a volume of cryptocurrency. A similar situation was observed on June 8 after the May halving. Then 16,158 wallets controlled 100 or more bitcoins.

The researchers found that the number of non-zero wallets also updated the maximum (31.913 million). About five thousand addresses with different volumes of cryptocurrency have appeared in the last 24 hours.

In early October, analyst Cole Garner announced that we had already entered the phase of active accumulation of BTC.

Within just one week of this month, the number of addresses on the bitcoin network has grown to its highest level in two years. From 5,000 to 10,000 wallets were registered daily.

In May, the Bitcoin network read 30 million addresses with non-zero balance. Over 99% of these wallets contain 10 or less bitcoins.
