April 18, 2024

The largest crypto exchanges in terms of turnover are hanging

Binance, Huobi, maybe some more.
They write that the problems are on the side of Amazon Web Services.

Shown a trillion dollarscapitalization on bitcoin and oops)

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work has been partially restored

A couple of thoughts, once on the main page.

The growth of cryptocurrencies is far from over.
Two great news for crypto lately:
Musk's purchase of $1.5 billion worth of bitcoins and plans to introduce payment for cars in cryptocurrency. Musk is our pioneer. The barrier to universal legitimization is beginning to crack.

Second news:
Cryptocurrency services will become available to Bank of New York Mellon clients

More details at RBC:

Bank of New York Mellon this is such a backbone custodian. Even our ADR programs also go through this bank.
Already based on custodial servicesThese systemically important depositary banks form a platform for ETFs and a wide range of institutional investors; this is a platform for moving away from creepy anonymous crypto exchanges towards understandable, civilized brokers working with a civilized depository.
Those. The system is just starting up at full capacity.